...Taking time to design...

Design, best selection of materials, precision and a lot of patience leads to art.

You know you're big in LA ?

The Brand

PS TS lightbleu front and neonpink back

A true story, the last remaining..

What once started as a single project has now become a full time activity with customers all over the world. Years of experience are the foundation of our quality and permanent innovation. This makes us unique, the last remaining.

Starting with the exclusive “floating” technique® at first and now releasing the innovative “tension” technique®, makes the wooden diving boards of Mikel Tube® unique.

Still wondering why a simple idea like this could become so sophisticated and complex in order to achieve perfection. All those years Mikel never encountered another full time wooden diving board builder to discuss this.

Passion brought to life

Design, innovation, respect for nature and a constant effort to improve are the main pillars of the brand that pioneered the use of the “floating” and “tensioned” techniques. Located in Belgium we’re proud to export the bulk of our production all over the world, adding the Belgian sense of precision and correctness in the package.

Renowned all over the world and adopted by the most beautiful residential pools on every continent.


What a priviledge !


Every new design starts on paper. Drawing a new board is what I like the most. Even if many attempts are needed, it is finding the ultimate design that is very satisfactory. Only after a good design on paper we will proceed with digital tools.


Once I’m satisfied with the design I will proceed in making a scale model to check the best way to produce the product. On paper it is easy to add or retract elements, but on a scale model you encounter specific problems that will need solutions based on experience.


Then there is the wood. I came along many species during my career but never found the same strength and flexibility of IPE Brazilian hardwood. A lifetime relationship with the best provider guarantees us wood of the best quality, FSC certified.


And then it’s fun time. Finally making the new model and optimising processes. Sometimes, unfortunately, some models do not make it through the tests.. But this is also part of designing new products. Mostly we can solve this and make another satisfying run.


Then all is set to produce your board. Every board gets a visual control before shipping it to your doorstep. Systematically more then 64 crucial production conditions are checked before the board is cleared for shipping.


Personal contact


It's rather embarrassing

Counterfeit is a plague ! We know that our products are encouraging counterfeiters all over the world, so we tried to coop with that problem. Not because we don’t want others to make ultimate Diving Boards.

No, we want You to have the board you’re expecting. Therefore Mikel Tube® registers all designs and concepts like assembling the upper shelf or the general fixing board to stand to deck (BOIP 88381)

The more longtime ago we worked out a strategy based on three axes : MWID – Registration – SBL which until today is the best way to. check the authenticity of the products.

To be honest, the above example of Indiamart amuses me, and I even helped a group of DIY woodworkers in the US to build a wooden diving board.

But what really borders me would be the all round woodworker who pretends to be a specialist in wooden diving boards. There is so much knowledge involved.  I can not imagine that, someone making a fence one day, stairs the other day and then occasionally a wooden diving board will provide the product you want. 


Every board has a tag in mirror writing. It is situated under the board and can be read by the owner by simply putting a small mirror on the soil in front of the tag.

This tag gives you a code that will enable us to give you information on the origin of the wood, the date of production, the GBF, the reseller, the previous owner and other specifications so that both you and us can be reassured on the safety of the product.

Remember, only a board from Mikel Tube® will fully respond to your expectations. Thats why MWID (or Mirror Writing Identification) was set up.


We encourage every customer to do his own registration. In doing so, you will receive the information we normally process through the MWID and will give you the guarantee that the product you’ve bought is a real Mikel Tube® ! Furthermore, our guarantee (on the wood) is depending on your registration. We will indeed help you to remind the minimum of maintenance that is obliged to benefit from guarantee in order to avoid misunderstandings. In normal circumstances registration is done by our services at first contact.


S.B.L. stands for secret backlog by which the position of an installed board is pinned on a world map. This file is for our eyes only.

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